Article 3Note: This article is based on the final draft from the ESAs and is not yet adopted. Content of initial notifications
Financial entitiesas defined in Article 2, points (a) to (t) shall provide at least the following information about the incident in the initial notification:
incident reference code;
date and time of detection and classification of the incident;
description of the incident;
classification criteria that triggered the incident report as set out in [Articles 1 to 8 of Delegated Regulation [insert number once published in official journal]Official text not yet finalized.;
members States impacted by the incident, where applicable;
information on how the incident has been discovered;
information about the origin of the incident, where available;
indication whether a business continuity plan has been activated;
information about the reclassification of the incident from major to non-major, where applicable; and
other information, where available.