Content of initial notifications

Financial entitiesas defined in Article 2, points (a) to (t) shall provide at least the following information about the incident in the initial notification:

  1. incident reference code;

  2. date and time of detection and classification of the incident;

  3. description of the incident;

  4. classification criteria that triggered the incident report as set out in [Articles 1 to 8 of Delegated Regulation [insert number once published in official journal]Official text not yet finalized.;

  5. members States impacted by the incident, where applicable;

  6. information on how the incident has been discovered;

  7. information about the origin of the incident, where available;

  8. indication whether a business continuity plan has been activated;

  9. information about the reclassification of the incident from major to non-major, where applicable; and

  10. other information, where available.